Dr. Velizara Ilieva Vutova
Neurologist (incl. Headache Specialists)
3 persons rated
Dr. Vutova graduated Medicine from Medical University in Sofia in 2002. After her graduation she worked at the Emergency Medical Centre, Sofia Region, and after that - in the Emergency Room of St. Anna General Hospital, Sofia. In 2010 she acquired Neurology speciality. The same year she attended the Clinic for Neurolgy of Tokuda Hospital Sofia.
She has speciality for electroencephalography. Her professional interests are in the field of encephalic vascular diseases and epilepsy.
She has speciality for electroencephalography. Her professional interests are in the field of encephalic vascular diseases and epilepsy.
Spoken languages
Work Locations
- Anonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- EUROINS Health Assurance
- Generali Zakrila Health Insurance
- Health Insurance Company Bulstrad Health
- Health Insurance Company Nadezhda
- Health Insurance Fund FiHealth
- Health Insurance Fund Hippocrates
- Health Insurance Fund Tokuda
- Health Insurance Institute
- United Health-Insurance Fund Doverie
- Anonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- EUROINS Health Assurance
- Generali Zakrila Health Insurance
- Health Insurance Company Bulgaria Health
- Health Insurance Company Bulstrad Health
- Health Insurance Company Nadezhda
- Health Insurance Fund FiHealth
- Health Insurance Fund Hippocrates
- Health Insurance Fund Tokuda
- United Health Insurance
- United Health-Insurance Fund Doverie
Dr. Vutova graduated Medicine from Medical University in Sofia in 2002. After her graduation she worked at the Emergency Medical Centre, Sofia Region, and after that - in the Emergency Room of St. Anna General Hospital, Sofia. In 2010 she acquired Neurology speciality. The same year she attended the Clinic for Neurolgy of Tokuda Hospital Sofia.
She has speciality for electroencephalography. Her professional interests are in the field of encephalic vascular diseases and epilepsy.
She has speciality for electroencephalography. Her professional interests are in the field of encephalic vascular diseases and epilepsy.
Personal phone
* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
Spoken languages
Patients’ average ratings for Dr. Velizara Vutova
Overall rating
Bedside manner
Average waiting
Patients’ ratings

by Anonymous
Overall rating
Bedside manner
Waiting time
От отношението към пациента-посреща те и те приема като човек,а не като поредния номер.Абсолютно внимателна,компетентна,търсеща причините за проблема, не веднага рецепта и довиждане.Влязох със страх и много притеснена-излязох с надежда спокойствие и вяра ,че в България са останали все още можещи и знаещи лекари.

by Anonymous
Overall rating
Bedside manner
Waiting time
Не съм доволен...каза ми да правя йога, а когато отидох при истински специалист се оказа че имам сериозни проблеми и 3 дискови хернии. Ходил съм многократно в токуда - на частно - пари хвърлени на вятъра - дори диагноза не ти поставят а камоли да ти помогнат. Стойте далеч.