About Us

DocTiming.bg is a project aiming to improve the health culture of the Bulgarians and to offer a new more effective way for choosing a doctor


  • Dealing with our daily problems, we treat ourselves and our health as if we are appliances olbiged to have an enternal life.
  • Forgotetting that even appliances need their annual maintenance, in order to be used longer.
  • Missing the fact people who cure us have their own names, stories and successes.

DocTiming.bg is a project, which will improve the selection process for choosing a doctor, as well as the whole communication experience.

On DocTiming.bg you can:

  • find the largest online database containing doctors in Bulgaria
  • read more about the history, education, additional certification, as well as spoken language for each doctor
  • read comments and rating from patients
  • give your comment and rating for any doctor, who has already treated you, in order to help the other patients to know more about him/her.

This is free services and make a strong commitment we are going to develop this project actively according to your needs and the needs of the doctors.