Plamen Petrov, MD - Head of Ward: Dr. Plamen Petrov is an expert with a long-year practice in the sphere of gastroenterology. He graduated from the Medical Academy, city of Sofia, in 1987. He specializes in internal diseases and gastroenterology. Dr. Petrov has completed several specializations in Belgium, the Netherlands, Hungary. He starts his professional career at the Military Medical Academy, city of Sofia. During the period 1992-2000 he is an assistant professor at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. From 2000 to 2012 he is a Head of the Ward of Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology and Hematology at University Hospital St. Anna, city of Sofia. Since 2012 he is a Head of the Ward of Gastroenterology at MHAT Sofiamed - Sofia.
Spoken languages
Work Locations
- Anonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or registerMon:8:00am - 2:00pmTue:8:00am - 2:00pmWed:8:00am - 2:00pmThur:8:00am - 2:00pmFri:8:00am - 2:00pm
- NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- DZI - Health Insurance
- EUROINS Health Assurance
- Generali Zakrila Health Insurance
- Health Insurance Company Bulstrad Health
- Health Insurance Company Nadezhda
- Health Insurance Fund FiHealth
- United Health-Insurance Fund Doverie
- Anonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- DZI - Health Insurance
- Health Insurance Company Bulstrad Health
- Health Insurance Company Nadezhda
- Health Insurance Fund FiHealth
- United Health-Insurance Fund Doverie
Plamen Petrov, MD - Head of Ward: Dr. Plamen Petrov is an expert with a long-year practice in the sphere of gastroenterology. He graduated from the Medical Academy, city of Sofia, in 1987. He specializes in internal diseases and gastroenterology. Dr. Petrov has completed several specializations in Belgium, the Netherlands, Hungary. He starts his professional career at the Military Medical Academy, city of Sofia. During the period 1992-2000 he is an assistant professor at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. From 2000 to 2012 he is a Head of the Ward of Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Nephrology and Hematology at University Hospital St. Anna, city of Sofia. Since 2012 he is a Head of the Ward of Gastroenterology at MHAT Sofiamed - Sofia.
Personal phone
* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
Spoken languages
Patients’ average ratings for Dr. Plamen Petrov
Overall rating
Bedside manner
Average waiting
Patients’ ratings

by Anonymous
Overall rating
Bedside manner
Waiting time
Не обръща достатъчно внимание на пациентите си. Моите 3 прегледа при него траеха 1-2 минути. Предписа ми лекарства, от които се почувствах по-зле. Когато отидох на контролен преглед при него да му го кажа той ми каза да продължа да ги пия и след 2 седмици да дойда отново и ми каза, че съм добре, когато аз се чувствах много зле. Не общува достатъчно с пациентите си. Не предписва правилните лекарства. Аз не бих отишла на преглед при него повече, защото докато се ходи по лекари като него, които не ти поставят точна диагноза се губи ценно време, през което заболяването може да стане хронично и нещата много да се усложнят. Не го препоръчвам.
by Рялица Рафаилова Рялица Рафаилова
Overall rating
Bedside manner
Waiting time
др Петров спаси живота на майка ми - с умения, професионализъм, човещина и светкавични действия. Препоръчвам с две ръце! Здрав да е!

by Anonymous
Overall rating
Bedside manner
Waiting time
д-р Петров има добро отношение и е добър човек, но има някои неща, които трябва да подобри в себе си!
Доста е безотговорен и пренебрежителен по отношение на диагностика.