Graduated the Sofia Medical University in 1990 and received earned her paediatric ophthalmologist speciality in 1996. During her specialization training and for 10 years more she worked at the Alexsandrovska university hospital in the paediatric eye clinic. She has vast experience diagnosing and treating inflammatory eye diseases among children and adults. She has been a member of Tokuda Hospital since its opening, and she has earned medical specializations at different university hospitals in London, Brussels and Tokyo. She has a contract with the Bulgarian National Insurance fund (NHIF) for outpatient and inpatient medical care to provide consultations and treatments for both children and adults. Dr. Dimitrova also actively works with children with impaired vision from the "Louis Braille" school in Sofia, and various homes for disadvantaged children.
Spoken languages
Work Locations
- Anonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- EUROINS Health Assurance
- Generali Zakrila Health Insurance
- Health Insurance Company Bulstrad Health
- Health Insurance Company Nadezhda
- Health Insurance Fund FiHealth
- Health Insurance Fund Hippocrates
- Health Insurance Fund Tokuda
- Health Insurance Institute
- United Health-Insurance Fund Doverie
- Anonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- EUROINS Health Assurance
- Generali Zakrila Health Insurance
- Health Insurance Company Bulgaria Health
- Health Insurance Company Bulstrad Health
- Health Insurance Company Nadezhda
- Health Insurance Fund FiHealth
- Health Insurance Fund Hippocrates
- Health Insurance Fund Tokuda
- United Health Insurance
- United Health-Insurance Fund Doverie
Graduated the Sofia Medical University in 1990 and received earned her paediatric ophthalmologist speciality in 1996. During her specialization training and for 10 years more she worked at the Alexsandrovska university hospital in the paediatric eye clinic. She has vast experience diagnosing and treating inflammatory eye diseases among children and adults. She has been a member of Tokuda Hospital since its opening, and she has earned medical specializations at different university hospitals in London, Brussels and Tokyo. She has a contract with the Bulgarian National Insurance fund (NHIF) for outpatient and inpatient medical care to provide consultations and treatments for both children and adults. Dr. Dimitrova also actively works with children with impaired vision from the "Louis Braille" school in Sofia, and various homes for disadvantaged children.
Personal phone
* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
Spoken languages
Patients’ average ratings for Dr. Liliyana Dimitrova
Overall rating
Bedside manner
Average waiting
Много добре се отнесе с нас.
Не се лигавеше и не се правеше на мила и любезна.
Обясняваше всичко, не се ядосваше от това, че детето е нетърпеливо или плаче или мрънка или е дете. Казваше какво трябва да се направи. Ако не можехме да се справим двете, викаше и сестрите.
Трябваше да погледне детето в онзи апарат, но то не поиска. Покани го три пъти. Седях с него там, сестрата се опита да го убеди с думи, но Малчо само буташе апарата и крещеше. Отказа се. Без да ми се кара. Разшири му зениците с капки (след като попита, разбира се).
Изписа ни очила и насрочи дата след месец (бяхме с направление), но Малчо не искаше да ги носи. Това не я учуди, ядоса и т.н. Само ни каза, какво друго можем да направим.
Справихме се със спешността на ситуацията.
Сега вече хлапето започна да си слага очилата и да си ги иска. Пак ще го заведа при нея, за да направим нови (мина повече от година от тогава).
За мен тя е професионалист, който иска и може да работи с деца.