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Since June 2012 – Head of 'VITA Prostate Center'
Till July 31, 2013 – Head of Urology Department at University Hospital "Dr. G. Stranski", Pleven Medical University
2011 – 2012 - Associate Professor of Urology in the Urology Department at the University Hospital
2006 – 2011 - Deputy Head of the Urology Department at University Hospital "Lozenets", Sofia
2006 – 2011 - Chairman of the Commission for quality of teaching at the Medical Faculty of Sofia University "St. Kliment. Ohridski "
1999 – 2006 – Doctor-intern at the Urology Clinic of University Hospital 'Lozenets', Sofia
1998 – 1999 – Doctor-intern at the Urology Clinic of the Institute for treatment of foreign citizens, Sofia (now known as University Hospital "St. Anna")
1994 – 1998 - Specializing Urology at the Urology Clinic of the Military Medical Academy, Sofia


Courses and specializations:
2012 - Training Workshop for Vaporesection for treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Thulium Laser (Univ College Hospital, London, UK)
2011 - Urology SILStm Masterclass (Elancourt, France, Covidien European Training Centre)
2010 - Course on "Traditional and robotic assisted laparoscopy in urology and gynecology" (Cluj Napoca, Romania)
2010 - Special Course in Robotic Urology (Cluj Napoca, Romania)
2010 - Application training Oncentra Prostate (Nucletron, Sofia)
2009 – Master Degree in Health Management (Medical Institute, Sofia)
2007 - Workshop on "Plastic-Reconstructive and operational Laparoscopic Urology" (Halle, Germany)
2004 - Specialization in Laparoscopic Urology (Berlin, Charite, Campus mitte, Urologische Klinik, Germany)
2004 - Course on independent work with X-ray equipment for diagnostic purposes (NTSRZ, Sofia)
2003 - Specialization in Laparoscopic Surgery and Urology (Word Gradec, Slovenia, Endoscopy Centre)
2003 - First course on Endourology (Medical University, Sofia)
2002 - Specialization on Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Switzerland)
2002 – Specialization on Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (City Hospital Singen, Germany)
2002 - Specialization in general classic and endoscopic urology (Klinikum Grosshadern, Urologische Klinik)
2000 - Course on endoscopic urological surgery (Department of Urology, Doubs "St. Anna" Sofia)

Scientific Degrees:
Higher Attestation Commission, 2007. - Educational and scientific degree "Doctor" in a scientific specialty 03.01.42 based on the topic: "Laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection in the diagnosis, staging and determining the indications for radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer." Number of Diploma: 31428/28.05.2007

Scientific Titles:
Higher Attestation Commission, 2010 - Scientific title "Associate Professor" in a scientific specialty 03.01.42 Urology, a competition announced by the Sofia University "St. Kl. Ohridski "
Number of Diploma: 26438/27.07.2010

Dr. Genadiev has 15 scientific publications in the field of urology in the last three years.

"Laparoscopic Urology" 2008, Publisher "Recco", Sofia - Edited by Prof. P. Panchev and prof. St. Chakarov

1. Co-authoring a textbook on "Operational Urology" - 2006 - P. Panchev, T. Patrashkova
2. Co-authoring a textbook on “Laparoscopy - an interdisciplinary approach”
Chapter title: Laparoscopic extraperitoneal approach for urinary bladder stones removal – a new operative technique
Publisher InTech, Croatia, 2011 -

Participation in scientific projects:
1. Head of the research team from the University Hospital "Lozenets", Sofia, for participation in Research project RHF-01-0135/2008, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science to introduce a new method for Bulgaria for treatment of prostate cancer - high doses interstitial brachytherapy of the prostate.
2. Head of Scientific project for the creation of a new laser in urology. Number of the project DDVU-02-105/2010. , Financed by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Member of the Bulgarian Association of Urology - in charge of the sector "Laparoscopy"


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