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Work Locations
- Anonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- Works with NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- Anonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- Works with NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- Bulgaria С.КРАЛЕВ ДОЛ Село С.КРАЛЕВ ДОЛ, Перник Google MapsAnonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- Works with NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- Anonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- Works with NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- Anonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- Works with NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- Bulgaria С.ЕЛОВДОЛ Село С.ЕЛОВДОЛ, Перник Google MapsAnonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- Works with NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- Bulgaria С.КАЛИЩЕ Село С.КАЛИЩЕ, Перник Google MapsAnonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- Works with NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- Bulgaria С.ДОЛНА ДИКАНЯ Село С.ДОЛНА ДИКАНЯ, Перник Google MapsAnonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- Works with NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- Anonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- Works with NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- Bulgaria С.НОЕВЦИ Село С.НОЕВЦИ, Перник Google MapsAnonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- Works with NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- Bulgaria С.КОШАРЕВО Село С.КОШАРЕВО, Перник Google MapsAnonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- Works with NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
- Anonymous* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
- Works with NZOK (National Health Insurance Fund)
* To see phone numbers please login with your profile or register
Spoken languages
Patients’ average ratings for Кованджийска Анна
Overall rating
Bedside manner
Average waiting
Patients’ ratings
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